With today’s prompt we are going to create some cute, but eerie looking, ghosts.
Ghost Hunting
Ghost hunting has been around for centuries and has evolved over time. Paranormal research dates back to the nineteenth century, with organizations such as the Society for Psychical Research investigating spiritual matters. The 19th century was also the peak of spiritualism, which was the belief that ghosts and spirits were real and could be communicated with after death. Seances were all the rage.
In the 20th century, ghost hunting continued to evolve with new technology being developed to help detect paranormal activity. British psychic investigator Hereward Carrington developed an “ululometer” ghost detector in 1922. In 1936, psychic researcher Harry Price published his Confessions of a Ghost-Hunter.
Ghost hunting became popularized in the 2000s by television series such as Most Haunted and Ghost Hunters, combined with the increasing availability of high-tech equipment. The Atlantic Paranormal Society reported a doubling in their membership in the late 2000s, attributing this to the television programs.